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This Booking Agent Agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the relationship between a musical artist or band (the “Artist”) and a booking agent (the “Agent”). The Agent is appointed to secure performance opportunities for the Artist, such as concerts, tours, and festivals.

Key purposes and reasons why this agreement is important include:

  1. Clear Responsibilities: It outlines the duties and responsibilities of the Agent, such as seeking and negotiating performance opportunities, maintaining communication with the Artist, and handling contractual and logistical aspects of the bookings.
  2. Approval Rights: The agreement specifies that the Agent must present all potential performance opportunities to the Artist for approval, giving the Artist the right to accept or reject any opportunity.
  3. Commission Structure: The agreement clearly defines the commission rate to be paid to the Agent. This provides financial clarity and prevents potential disputes.

Access our Free Sample of a Booking Agent Agreement Template.

We comprehend the obstacles musicians encounter in building a prosperous career in the entertainment industry. That’s why we’re presenting this comprehensive, easy-to-use Booking Agent Agreement template for free. This aims to simplify the typically intricate realm of music industry contracts, addressing everything from services and commissions to performance requirements and cancellation policies.

If you want to save even more time with a professionally formatted look, complete with explanatory comments and examples, opt for the premium version in PDF & Word format. Minimize complications and concentrate on delivering outstanding performances, confident that your legal fundamentals are solidly established.

Legal Disclaimer: The information and contract templates provided on this website are for general informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. While we strive to keep the information up-to-date and accurate, we make no warranties of any kind about the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the information provided. Consulting with a qualified legal professional for specific legal advice tailored to your situation is strongly recommended.

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Booking Agent Agreement

[Your Name/Organization] [Address] [City, Postal Code] [Country] [Date]


This agreement establishes the terms and conditions of the relationship between a musical artist or band and a booking agent who will secure performance opportunities. It outlines the agent’s responsibilities, commission rates, and the duration of the agreement. It is advisable to consult with a qualified attorney to customize the agreement according to your specific needs and comply with applicable laws.


This section identifies the parties involved in the agreement.

This Booking Agent Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into on this _____ day of ______, 20 (the “Effective Date”), by and between [Musical Artist/Band Name] (referred to as the “Artist”) and [Booking Agent’s Company Name] (referred to as the “Agent”), collectively referred to as the “Parties.”

Appointment of Agent

This section specifies the appointment of the Agent as the exclusive booking agent for the Artist.

  1. The Artist hereby appoints the Agent as their exclusive booking agent for the duration of this Agreement.
  2. The Agent agrees to use their best efforts to secure performance opportunities for the Artist, such as concerts, tours, and festivals, subject to the Artist’s approval.

Responsibilities of the Agent

This section outlines the responsibilities of the Agent.

  1. The Agent shall actively seek and negotiate performance opportunities on behalf of the Artist.
  2. The Agent shall maintain regular communication with the Artist and provide updates on booking activities.
  3. The Agent shall handle all contractual and logistical aspects of the bookings, including negotiations, agreements, and coordination with event organizers.

Artist’s Approval

This section addresses the Artist’s approval rights regarding performance opportunities.

  1. The Agent shall present all potential performance opportunities to the Artist for approval before finalizing any agreements.
  2. The Artist reserves the right to reject or accept any performance opportunity, provided that the rejection is not arbitrary or capricious.


This section specifies the commission rates to be paid to the Agent.

  1. The Artist agrees to pay the Agent a commission based on the gross fees or earnings received from the performance opportunities secured by the Agent.
  2. The commission rate shall be [Specify the commission rate, such as a percentage] of the gross fees or earnings, excluding any direct expenses incurred by the Artist.
  3. The commission shall be payable to the Agent within [Specify the timeframe] after the Artist’s receipt of the corresponding fees or earnings.

Term and Termination

This section specifies the duration of the agreement and the conditions under which it can be terminated.

  1. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue for a period of [Specify the duration, such as a specific number of years] unless terminated earlier in accordance with this section.
  2. Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other Party if there is a material breach of this Agreement, provided that the breaching Party fails to cure such breach within [Specify a reasonable cure period] after receiving written notice thereof.


This section addresses the confidentiality of any proprietary information shared between the Parties.

  1. The Parties agree to keep any confidential information disclosed during the course of the relationship confidential and shall not disclose or use such information for any purpose other than the performance of their obligations under this Agreement.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This section determines the applicable law and the jurisdiction where any disputes arising from the agreement will be resolved.

  1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Specify the governing law jurisdiction].
  2. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Specify the jurisdiction].

Entire Agreement

This section confirms that the Agreement represents the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior discussions or agreements.

  1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, and agreements, whether oral or written.

[Your Name/Organization] By: [Your Name] Title: [Your Title]

[Musical Artist/Band Name] By: [Artist’s Name] Title: [Artist’s Title]

[Booking Agent’s Company Name] By: [Agent’s Name] Title: [Agent’s Title]

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